15 Awesome Flamingo Facts
Flamingos are easily recognizable due to their famously long neck and pink colored feathers.
Check out these top 15 fun facts about flamingos!
There are only 6 species of flamingos.Wild flamingos are pink because they consume vast quantities of algae and insects.Flamingos are easily recognizable bird as they spend most of their time standing on one leg.There are 19 bones in a flamingo’s neck.Their beaks and feathers are made of a tough substance called keratin.The bend halfway down the flamingo’s leg is actually its ankle, not its knee!Flamingo’s stand on one leg in water because it reduces the amount of body heat lost by the cold water.Flamingos mostly lay one large egg at a time. The eggs weigh between 115 to 140 grams.Females can lay two eggs at once, however it is uncommon that both eggs will hatch.
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