30 Most Incredible facts about Cheetahs
If you’re a lover of animals, cats or knowledge then you’ll love these interesting facts about the adorable speedy big cat, the cheetah.
1# The Latin name for the cheetah is Acinonyx jubatus.
2# They generally inhabit Africa and the Middle East.
3# The name ‘cheetah’ comes from Sanskrit word ‘variegated’.
4# A cheetah can weigh up to 160 lbs.
5# Including their tail, they can measure up to 92 inches.
6# Their spots can be up to 1.5in in diameter.
7# The black ‘tear tracks’ that line a cheetah’s face prevent the sun from infiltrating and blinding the animal whilst hunting.
8# A cheetah has semi-retractable claws, like the Fishing Cat, Flat-Headed Cat and the Iriomote Cat.
9# The King cheetah had distinctive black stripes, as well as spots. This cat is now extinct.
10# The spots of a cheetah are used for camouflage.
11# During chase, the cheetah can take up to 150 breaths per minute.
12# It can reach up to 62 miles per hour in five seconds.
13# A normal chase speed for a cheetah is 60–65 miles per hour.
14# During a chase, they can run up to 1,600 feet in short bursts.
15# The tail is used as a rudder for steering whilst chasing.
16# Interestingly the cheetah cannot roar. In fact, it purrs.
17# It is considered to be the smallest of the big cats.
18# It is the least able to adapt to its environments.
19# A male matures at 12 months, whilst the female matures at 24.
20# There can be up to nine cubs in a litter.
21# The distinctive fluff of the cubs is a mantle, and gives them the appearance of having Mohawks.
22# A cheetah can live up to twelve years in the wild, and twenty in captivity.
Read Full Here: https://topfactsite.com/30-most-incredible-facts-about-cheetahs/